Monday, August 20, 2012

Double or nothing?

You know what's weird?  When you're making new friends who are couples, you really have to be able to hang with BOTH people or else it's not going to work.  I, for one, am NOT used to having to get dudes to like me as a friend.  I have NOTHING to talk about with them and I'm afraid that I'm sabotaging JKL in our new social endeavors by outright yawning or going to bed when the conversation turns to golf, sports, whiskey or work.

I've noticed that other wives roll with it and maybe they actually DO enjoy beer, scotch and the Dow Jones Index but, I don't and I can't pretend.  I actually get a bit resentful when other wives don't want to run off into the bathroom or kitchen to grab more wine and talk about the Bachelor when the conversation veers towards "man things".  Why do we all have to hang out as 4-some?  Can't we talk SEPARATELY and re-convene for the meal?  Even worse is when the foursome paris off and its (god forbid) me and the and dude and  JKL is hanging with Wife #2 talking about his lax glory days.  I meaaannn......shoot me.  At first, I just proceeded to talk about my mani/pedi/Real Housewives and let the Husband #2 suffer but, a popular wife, that does not make.

This weekend I was at a larger gathering and it was great because all the ladies stuck together. There was ONE husband hanging with us and he seemed overjoyed to be talking about wedding dresses and potty training.  At one point his wife was like "honey, you can go hang with the guys" and he was all "NO!" in a panicky kind of way.  I looked right at him and I was like "sounds awful, right?".  We let him stay.  I would have fought for him, if necessary.  I know what its like to be stranded behind enemy lines with no interesting conversation.



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