Thursday, September 6, 2012

Goals for the month..

1. Wake up for TWO AM spin classes/week.  My old gym is not remotely convenient to my commute so, this weekend while JKL is away, I'm dedicating myself to finding a new one that has AT LEAST two spin classes that I can make it to, per work week.

2. Work out BOTH days on the weekend.  No excuse not to do this.  I LIKE walking around my 'hood. 

3. Fit in 3 walk/runs for the couch to 5k program.  One on each weekend day and one during the week isn't so bad.

4. Figure out a few staple "go-to" meals that allow me to stay on pts, satisfy JKL and go to bed happy.  So far, all I actually know for a fact that JKL likes are tacos.  Need to work on this.

5. Get quotes on remaining items for kitchen renewal (cabinet staining, granite or quartz counters and backsplash)  Got my feelers out to a few places but need to get aggressive.

6. Implement new family budget.  JKL is pretty good with money but he is rather disorganized (and lazy).  I'm getting involved and plan to get us on track to meet some short and long term financial goals.  We recently re-financed (thanks to moi) so why stop there? 

Got all my new stainless appliances installed last week and today so will have some picts soon!



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